The registered dietitian say:The amount of protein and carbohydrates we eat affects how sleepy or alert we feel. Higher-protein meals help stabilize blood sugur levels and keep us energized; carb-rich meals trigger an insulin rush that helps tryptophan enter our brains, where it acts as a building block for feel-good serotonin and increases time spent in REM sleep, which is more restful
Treatment: A high-carbohydrate snack before bed can cut in half the time it takes to fall asleep; bananas, yogurt, figs and nut butters, which are all high in tryptophan, can also help. A supplement form of tryptophan, 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan, 100 to 300 milligrams) can be effective, too, but due to some safety concerns, check with your doctor before taking it.
-Colleen Gill, M.S.,R.D.,Center for Integrative Medicine at University of Colorado Hospital
Treatment: A high-carbohydrate snack before bed can cut in half the time it takes to fall asleep; bananas, yogurt, figs and nut butters, which are all high in tryptophan, can also help. A supplement form of tryptophan, 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan, 100 to 300 milligrams) can be effective, too, but due to some safety concerns, check with your doctor before taking it.
-Colleen Gill, M.S.,R.D.,Center for Integrative Medicine at University of Colorado Hospital